| 1. | The gypsy looked cold, his dark face was drawn with the cold and his hands were red . 吉普赛人浑身透露出寒意,黑黑的脸冻得皮肤都绷紧了,两手发红。 |
| 2. | She gazed at him with new approval when she stopped laughing, the lush responsive tissues of her dark face turning darker . 等她止住笑后,她用新的赞许神气盯视着他,她那张本来黝黑的脸上肉感富有弹性的肌肤显得更黑了。 |
| 3. | Dark faces stared up from the photos , frozen in time 照片里被时间凝固下来的黑黑的面孔盯着他们。 |
| 4. | She did not know who he could be , but there was undeniably a look of good blood in his dark face 她不知道此人是谁,但此人的黑脸上不可否认地具有优秀血统的相貌特征。 |
| 5. | There was the same man : his dark face rather sallower and more composed , his frame a stone or two heavier , perhaps , and no other difference 还是这个人:他那发黑的脸稍稍发黄些,也宁静些,他的身躯,或者重一两石,并没有其他的不同。 |
| 6. | Something stirred in the porch ; and , moving nearer , i distinguished a tall man dressed in dark clothes , with dark face and hair 在门廊里有个什么东西在动。而且,正在走近,我看出是个高高的人,穿着黑衣服,有张黑黑的脸,还有黑头发。 |
| 7. | 13 walking through this company we see only young , dark faces - - vietnamese , cambodians , laotians , mexicans - - and the most advanced technology 在这家公司走走,我们看到的都是年轻的深肤色面孔?越南人、柬埔寨人、老挝人和墨西哥人?还有最先进的技术。 |
| 8. | How i liked to stroke his dark face with my bands , to stand on his knees and comb his hair , to rest my head against his shoulder and thus fall asleep 我多么想用我的小手拍拍他的黝黑的面孔,站在他的身边,梳梳他的头发,或者把头靠在他的怀里呼呼地睡上一觉啊! |
| 9. | He had a dark face , with stern features and a heavy brow ; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now ; he was past youth , but had not reached middle - age ; perhaps he might be thirty - five 他的脸庞黝黑,面容严厉眉毛浓密他的眼睛和紧锁的双眉看上去刚才遭到了挫折并且愤怒过。他青春已逝,但未届中年。 |
| 10. | On top of that , he ' s an auslander . blurry mug shots of his dark face plaster towns in southern bavaria . the culprit , a young brown bear from austria probably in search of a mate , is the subject of a rare cultural tiff between the two german - speaking neighbors 据路透社5月23日报道,上周末,当这只棕熊穿越德国与奥地利的边境线进入该地区时,还曾受到过人们的欢迎,但没过多久,它就变成了一位不受欢迎的客人。 |